and started browsing. While
choosing a T-shirt for my brother, I asked this salesman for a particular size for which he shook his head. Then came another man running and told me that the first man cannot listen or speak. I was, well, taken aback. Nevertheless, I continued browsing.
Then I went to the ladies section and chose a top. I was having a hard time choosing another colour so I asked the man in charge if they have any other print in a colour I chose. To my surprise, he too shook his head. Then he told me through signs that he too can't speak or listen. I was shocked, yet again. But this time, I didn't take off. I asked him through signs that which colour should I take, the required size in particular colours.
. It wasn't out of pity that I talked to him. I talked to him as I would have talked to a normal person, the only thing, though, he was way better than any normal person I saw. It was so easy to communicate and it felt so good. I took two Tees from that counter, one of my choice and one of his. My heart warmed with respect for that store for hiring physically disabled people as their salesmen. This is the one moment that I'm not going to forget, ever.
- Attacked dominos for dinner at night with my big brother. Yum, as usual.
Day 5:
- Went to Oberoi in the morning.
- In the afternoon, we hit the road for
Linking road, a roadside market famous for footwear, handbags, and clothes. If you know how to bargain, you'll be saving a significant amount of money by shopping here. Anyways, I suck at it.
- Watched Disney’s
Inside Out at night and took lunch at Bhagat Tarachand. This movie is a must watch for everyone! It’s beyond words.
Source: |
- Got home late at night and packed my things.
Day 6:
- Got up early and left for the airport. Checked-in and sat peacefully in the waiting area, waiting for
the gate to open for boarding the flight. Left my luggage on my seat and asked my neighbour to keep an eye on it, went to take a snack.
- Brought back with me a bottle of lemon fresh from Minute Maid. After I drank to my fill and offering it to my neighbours, I sat there peacefully, thinking about home.
Bored? Here comes the plot twist. I was very happy that my father won’t complain this time around because I reached the airport on time. To my horror, I was unable to find my Boarding Pass, once I settled on my seat. Panicked, I traced my way back to the shop that I went to, leaving my luggage on my seat in the watch of the two gentlemen sitting beside me, who gratefully agreed. No sign of that damned piece of paper. Came back to my seat, searched my handbag thoroughly but all in vain.
So much for peace, eh?
- The men advised me to get a new boarding pass as only 40 minutes remained in boarding the flight. I rushed to a lady who was one of the coordinators there and asked for help. After a lecture of ‘
I shouldn't be so careless’, she asked permission of the senior-most officer to get me a duplicate boarding pass. She told me to stand near the officer’s counter and went ahead to get my duplicate boarding pass.
Time was flying like a rocket. It was 9:45 before I knew and the time of my flight was 10:05 a.m.! Around this time, I was more concerned about my luggage than my boarding pass. If the boarding would have started, that would leave my luggage unattended while I was standing above here. Finally, she reappeared with a duplicate pass at 9:50 a.m.!
- I ran all the way down to find the both men still sitting around it as the boarding hadn’t started. Just as I gave them the good news, they both told me to relax. The boarding started soon after and I waved them thanks as I joined in the queue.
- The beautiful view from the window seat was once again mine to savour, but I decided to sleep through it. Homesick, as I was.
- Landed safely and headed home with Papa only to find the original boarding pass in my second-hand luggage bag. *
Massive Facepalm* Invited another lecture of ‘
How careless I’ve always been’.
However big and better Mumbai might be, it doesn't give me the peace I have at home. There was an uneasiness in the air, the highly populated air overpowers the high opportunities the city has to offer.
Nevertheless, it's one of the places I want to live in.
The mandatory selfie! |
So, that’s all about my visit to Mumbai! A much-needed vacation that I almost ruined! :D
Do share your crazy experiences in the comment box! :)